Now the real reason I decided to stop in DE was to see the final unveiling of Jay’s keezer project. I am happy to say that I was involved in the early design phase that began back in February. I’ve seen a few pictures of the progression along the way but it was officially “finished” as of Saturday. All I can say is that I am so impressed with the quality of workmanship that he put into this. After 8 months of long nights and a few setbacks along the way, this fine piece is now out of the garage and into the main house, serving up perfectly chilled, great tasting beer. I felt obligated to come down and help break it in!

I woke up on the couch at 10am the following morning with the feeling that possibly I was run over sometime during the night. After a few hours of re-hydrating we grabbed a quick lunch. I got back in my car and was on the road at 2:30pm. I was still feeling a bit greenish so luckily it was a short trip to visit my friend Mark in Mechanicsburg, PA.
It was good catching up with the boys from DE. Unfortunately, Jay’s wife Kristen and his two kids, Cora and Caiden were vacationing in LBI for the week. It would’ve been nice to see them too.
I noticed on the map that a Cabella’s store was not too far out of the way so I made a quick stop there. Wow, what a place! If you like gear for the outdoors, this is the place to go. It’s was the size of a small shopping mall. I could easily spend the day there but 1-hour was my limit so I could make it to Mark’s house in time for dinner.
I pulled up to the house just as the mini Sheppard’s pies were being pulled from the oven. Homemade apple pie followed afterwards.
After dinner with the family (wife Lindsay, daughters Sara and Elizabeth, and 2 year old Jake) Mark and I went out for a drive in his Subaru WRX sti so he could demonstrate some of the modifications he’s been doing to it, because you know, a stock 295HP is just not enough. It’s running about 380HP now but he says it's still considered a work in progress until it unleashes about 600HP. In my opinion, it was a rocket in stock condition, now it’s just ridiculous fast and if he ever does get it to 600HP, insane would be the only descriptor. Most people just wouldn't understand but if you know Mark, he's always had the need for speed. I think Mark missed his calling as a race car driver. After a few white-knuckled turns and straight-a-ways, he graciously handed over the keys to me. Too much fun, but I know that I couldn’t keep a car like that and my driver’s license at the same time.

Thank you brew master Jay and Mark (Vlad the Impaler) for being such gracious hosts! I had a great time and am looking forward to returning the favor whenever you're able to come visit, you have an open invitation.
Hey Eric, enjoyed having you come an visit. Too bad it was only for a day. I look forward to coming to see you when you get some idea of where you want to settle for a bit. I will let you know about the winter tires. Enjoy this adventure and drive carefully. I can't wait to hear about all the places you are going to see. Awesome stuff man!!! All the best!!! Look forward to your next blog. Later buddy.